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Business Consultation for Private Practice Owners

business consultation for private practice and Group owners

As an established private practice owner, you know that you are a skilled clinician. You have years of specialized experience, a license (or two), and specific training in certain areas. You have work experience and love private practice. But you are constantly struggling to get new clients, and running the business part of your practice is not your strength. You may be:


  • Wondering if private practice is really for you

  • Overwhelmed to the point of avoiding key business-related tasks

  • Confused about what your next steps should be

  • Unsure how to get more clients that you want to work with

  • Wanting support in developing short-term and long-term goals for your practice


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Maybe you have dabbled in marketing, tried social media, and talked with your professional colleagues about your practice, but the referrals are not coming in steadily enough to meet your needs. You know that the business side of owning your private practice is important, yet you're not quite sure where to start to get better at business-related "stuff" and marketing your services.


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Perhaps you know what you need to do, but figuring out how to do it is overwhelming and you don't even know where to start. You want a business expert to show you, in a comfortable and stress-free environment, how to run the business side of your practice and how to fill your practice with clients you want to work with, and to build the group practice of your dreams.

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how business consulting can help you

At Catalyss Consulting, we take the "overwhelm" out of being a small business owner, and help you manage the business and marketing side of your private practice. The more you know about a topic the easier it is to do the "unpleasant" or "scary" tasks that pull you away from your true passion of doing therapy and helping others. In a safe, small-group setting, we provide you with the guidance you need to take your private practice to the next level.


Imagine Your Dream Scenario

Imagine running your private practice and enjoying doing the business side of things. You have a clear vision for your practice, and you know how to get there. You know what metrics you need to measure for the continued growth of your practice, you are clear on the purpose of your website and it attracts new clients regularly, and you know where and how your hard-earned money is being spent. What a great dream! But it's not just a dream. You can get there with supportive business consultation from Catalyss Consulting!


How Business Consulting Helps

Business Consulting with Catalyss Consulting can get you to this dream scenario. We teach you the business skills you need to become an exceptional business owner, and then you learn the skills thoroughly by discussing how they relate to your own practice. If you join a small business consultation group, you also capitalize on the knowledge and experience of other group members to help refine your business strategy as it applies to you and your own business management style.


Get Results

Did you know that counseling private practice owners who get business consultation on average make three times more than practice owners that don't? Here are some results you can expect to get through our business consulting services:


  • Increased confidence in your money management of your practice

  • Creation of a short-term and long-term business plan

  • Setting reachable goals for practice and yourself

  • Understanding of how to identify and reach your ideal client

  • Fill your practice with new referrals in your identified niche


​Business consultation is more than just teaching you skills. It's helping you to become a successful, thriving private practice owner!

business consultation Specialties:

Here is a list of basic Business Consultation topics we specialize in:


  • Vision, Mission, Values

  • Goal Setting 

  • Niche Development

  • Business Models

  • Business Owner Mindset

  • Branding

  • Fee Setting/Insurance Panels

  • Financial tracking

  • Websites

  • SEO Basics

  • Marketing

  • Developing Systems

  • Measuring Metrics

Lightbulb with a black background, signifying learning about Catalyss Consulting's Business Consultation Groups for counseling private practice owners to improve their business and marketing skills in Colorado.

We go into depth on the topics that you want to focus on for your own personal growth and your practice's development. We not only discuss the theory and logistics behind each topic, but also how to apply this information specifically to your own practice. You can master everything you need to know about running your business and marketing your services through consultation with a business expert!

advanced marketing skills consultation:

Perhaps you have the basics down. You've identified your ideal client and your practice is aligned with your vision, mission, and your goals. You have systems in place to make running your practice easier, and you know your website basics. 


But you want to take your marketing a step further. You may have a marketing plan, but you are unsure about how to actually implement your marketing strategies. Perhaps you know what you want to do, but are still stuck on how to really market your services effectively to your ideal clients. If this sounds like you, our Advanced Marketing Skills Consultation can help you get to where you want to be in your practice!​

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Advanced Marketing Skills topics that we specialize in:


  • Networking Strategies

  • Blogging

  • SEO (basic concepts)

  • Video Marketing

  • Website Specialty Pages (Landing Pages)

  • Direct Outreach 

  • Online Directories

  • Social Media Strategies

  • Email Marketing

  • And more!

Group Practice Consultation:

Ready to go from a solo practice to a group? We have you covered! It can be daunting to begin adding other therapists and/or support staff while still maintaining the integrity of your dream practice. We can help you create a framework for your group practice in a way that feels right to you.

Group practice consultation that we specialize in:


  • Hiring therapists and admin staff

  • Goal Setting and Strategic Planning

  • Setting up Systems

  • Money Management/Budgeting

  • Identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Marketing for Group Practices

  • Staff Management

  • And more!

Table with a laptop computer, clip board, and list of projects to get started on after doing the small group business consultation with Catalyss Consulting for therapy private practice owners to improve their practice building skills in Colorado.

It's not easy starting a group practice. But if you have the determination and commitment, we want to support you in serving even more clients in your niche and making money while working less! You can be a great group practice owner with dedicated, exceptional therapists working for you. We can help you get there!

private practice  consultation service types

Female sitting at her computer working, at a table at home, doing her marketing consultation group with other private practice owners to grow her business.

Individual Consultation for Solo or Group Practice Owners:

  • Per session: $350

  • 3-session package: $900 (savings of $150)​​

  • 6-session package: $1,750 (savings of $350)

  • 55 minute sessions

  • Virtual (online)

  • Scheduled at a convenient time that works for your schedule​​

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Small Group Business Consultation for Solo Practice Owners

  • Small groups of 4 participants

  • Meets monthly for 6 months, 1 hour per month

  • Groups conducted virtually (online)

  • Scheduled at a time that works for all group participants

  • $75 per month

  • Status: No groups running right now​​​

Small Group Business Consultation for Group Practice Owners

  • ​Small groups of 4 participants

  • Meets once per month for 1 hour, for 6 months

  • Groups conducted virtually (online)

  • Scheduled at a time that works for all group members

  • $75 per month

  • Status: ENROLLING NOW for Groups! Start date: Feb. 2024​


How to get started:

If you are interested in Business Consultation Services with Catalyss Consulting, here are your first steps:


1) Contact Us for a free 15-minute phone consultation

2) Set up an individual consultation session or join a group

3) Learn business skills and then apply them to your own private practice!

Catalyss Counseling welcomes diversity including all body sizes, abilities, races, sexualities, genders, religions and political values.

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Contact US NOW!

750 W. Hampden Ave.

Suite 375

Englewood, CO 80110

p: 303/578-6318

f: 720/316-5994


Serving the Denver metro-area as well as Colorado Springs, Boulder, Fort Collins, and the entire state with online therapy in Colorado.
schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation:
or CALL OUR Office: 

(303) 578-6318

OR Email us:

OR Book directly online:

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We have a pretty awesome email list. Want to join? We send you biweekly emails that include pertinent articles and service updates. No spam, we promise!

Even though our office is physically located in Colorado, our Support Groups are open to anyone in the country, often drawing clients from Washington, Texas, and Indiana.

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© Catalyss Counseling. All Rights Reserved.

Stock images. Posed by models.

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